Our Guide to a Stress-Free Moving Day

If you’re getting prepared to move for the first time, you’ve probably read, or been told, how stressful the experience is.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. With great preparation and these helpful hints and tips, moving day can be a breeze for you…

Your moving house checklist

There’s a lot to think about when you’re selling up and moving and it’s easy for smaller tasks to get forgotten.

But using our moving house checklist means you can keep tabs on everything you need to do…

A month before you move

1. Search for removals companies and seek recommendations

2. Get your chosen removals company booked in

3. Decide on large items you’re going to keep and what you’re going to sell / donate

4. Book any time off work required for your move

Two weeks before you move

1. Inform your current utility companies of your moving out date

2. Set up mail redirection with Royal Mail if you need to

3. Contact TV supplier and set up home move and inform TV Licensing of your new address and moving-in date

4. Start packing things you don’t use day-to-day

5. Speak to BT about redirecting your landline number if you need to

A week before you move

1. Inform all your banks, lenders, insurance providers and your employer of your new address and your moving in date

2. Inform your local council tax department of your moving-out date and forwarding address

3. Finalise arrangement for children / pets on moving day

4. Start packing up your remaining items and be sure to label boxes by room

2/3 days before you move

1. Defrost your freezer if you’re taking it with you

2. Prepare a bag of essentials for moving day, including:

• Snacks

• Water

• Washing up liquid

• Coffee, tea, milk, sugar

• Mugs

• Scissors to open boxes

• Bed wear

• Toiletries, including toothbrushes, toothpaste and shower gel

3. Wash any dirty laundry to ensure everything you take is clean

4. Disconnect plumbing to washing machine / dishwasher

Moving day

1. Put your vacuum cleaner and some key cleaning products aside so you can do any last-minute cleaning once the removals firm has finished

2. Take meter readings for gas, electric and water

3. Lock all doors and windows

Moving house tips

Take a look at these top tips for moving house and keeping stress to a minimum…

Moving house packing tips

1. Get a variety of different sized boxes

2. Don’t forget bubble wrap, plenty of tape and newspaper

3. Start packing up non-essential items two weeks before your move, including garages and sheds

4. Pack up everything else you don’t use day-to-day a week before you move

5. Start packing up the rooms you use less often, before moving on to other rooms

6. Get rid of anything you can do without before you move – selling items or donating things to charity shops

7. If you’re packing up valuables or collectables, create a spreadsheet of items in case anything gets lost or left behind

8. Don’t pack too much in each box and pack up one room at a time

9. Wrap up anything that could spill and tape on lids of liquids

10. Fill gaps in boxes where you can – the fewer boxes you use, the fewer there are to lift!

11. Stack lighter boxes on top of heavier ones

12. Label each box clearly so your removals company knows which room to put it in when you arrive at your new home

More tips for a stress-free moving process

Get the right solicitor

Your conveyancer holds the key (excuse the pun) to a quick and hassle-free move. So, choosing the right solicitor is absolutely crucial very early in the sales process.

A good solicitor will help ensure your move stays on track and everything to do with your purchase is legally sound.

Property is a huge investment, so a good service from a professional conveyancer is priceless.

Set a budget for moving

While, as a buyer, you will be well aware of the purchase price of your new home, it can be easy to forget about all the other expenses that come with buying a home.

Here it can pay to work out your budget early on. Compare pricing for solicitors, surveys and removals to find a nice balance between price and quality.

Put everything down on a spreadsheet so you know how much your move is going to cost and where you can potentially make savings.

Purge your possessions

What do you mean you need to ‘take everything’?! A ruthless streak can pay off when buying a home and that includes when it comes to your own belongings.

Moving home can be an ideal time to cut back on clutter.

Firstly, it could save you money when it comes to removals and, secondly, getting rid of things you don’t really need means fewer boxes to open as you settle into your new property.

Keep an open mind and be flexible

Most house purchases encounter one or two issues along the way. It is a complex process, involving many different people and vast sums of money.

A few hiccups or problems on the journey are common. You should prepare yourself for this in advance and aim to be flexible.

If something crops up that delays a certain task during the process, take a breath and move on to the next thing, reorganising your task list as you go.

Spend time in your new area

Granted, for those of you moving a long distance, this is not always possible. But spending some time in your new town, city or village can help the moving process seem less overwhelming.

Perhaps you have lived in one place all your life or have been in the same house for a long period of time.

Suddenly moving to a new house or area takes some adjustment. But visiting your new postcode can help take the edge off before moving day.

Be organised when unpacking

Most people plug in the TV as soon as they arrive in their new home. But if you’ve ever looked behind your TV before, you’ll know it’s a mass of wiring and cables.

So, finding the one you need to get the TV working in your new home might not be so easy among the masses of boxes.

Use coloured stickers to match up cables with their devices. You’ll be surprised how much time and stress this saves!

Choose the right removals company

Even you have undertaken a mass declutter, you’ll almost certainly still have more ‘stuff’ than you think.

While moving your entire world yourself can save a few pennies, the added stress and workload on a day already brimming with both means hiring a removals firm can be well worth the spend.

A good removals company may also be able to provide a packing service, saving even more time and energy on the lead up to moving day.

How to choose a removal company

Choosing a flexible, organised and pro-active removal company can go a long way to ensuring a stress-free moving day.

But how do you choose the right removals company? You should:

• Ask friends and family for recommendations

• Look online for companies with lots of positive Google reviews

• Look for companies that are members of the British Association of Removers

• Get at least three quotes from different companies

How much do removal companies cost?

The cost of removals for your house move will depend on the size of your house, the distance you’re moving and whether you have any additional services like packing and assembly of items. If you’re looking for removals only, you can expect to pay:

• £300-£400 for a one or two-bedroom house / flat

• £500-£600 for a three-bedroom house

• £800-£900 for a four-bedroom house

• £1,000+ for a five-bedroom house

Questions to ask your removal company

For complete peace of mind when choosing a removal company, ask them:

1. How long do you estimate the move will take?

2. Do you use your own staff or contracted staff to undertake moves?

3. What insurance do you have in place to safeguard my items?

4. Are you members of the British Association of Removers?

5. Do you charge extra if there is a delay to my move?

6. Do you require me to arrange a parking permit for you?

7. Who do I contact in an emergency or if there’s a problem?

8. Do I need to pay in advance, on the day or after the move?

9. Is a packing service and boxes included in the price?

10. What measures do you take to protect my items from damage?

11. Will you disconnect and reconnect my washing machine and dishwasher?

Finally, organise a food delivery at your new home

Before you move, arrange an online food delivery for day two at your new home. Most movers tuck into a well-earned takeaway and bottle of wine on the first night in their new property. But the realisation of an empty fridge on day two can mean an unwanted trip to the shops with tiredness still very much in the ascendancy.

Almost all supermarkets offer a home delivery service so sorting out your grocery order a week before moving day is possible, meaning all you have to do is plug in the fridge freezer and put the tasty delights inside!

Further reading…

If you’re thinking of embarking on some spring cleaning now the daffodils are starting to bloom, you might want some music to keep you going – try our list of the world’s favourite cleaning songs.

And with the news that the stamp duty ‘holiday’ has been extended until June 30, 2021, take a look at our guide to beating the deadline.

Finally, check out our list of new home essentials, so you can be sure of what you need to buy to kit out your dream property.

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